User Guide - Object Details

The Object Details guide provides additional specific information about threat intelligence objects and their relationships. It covers:

  • Options or edge cases that are specific to working with particular threat intelligence objects.

  • Detailed information on what nodes are displayed in the vertex-threat-intel Workflow, how the objects are “linked” or related to each other, and how the objects may be searched, where relevant. The Workflow is designed to simplify analysis tasks by masking many of these details. We include this information here for users who may be interested in how information in the Workflow relates to “raw” information in the Research Tool.


Refer to the User Guide - Threat Intel Model for general information about threat intelligence objects and their intended use.

Like the User Guide - Threat Intel Model, this guide is organized according to the types of objects displayed in the Workflow:


The vertex-threat-intel Power-Up and associated Workflow are still a beta release and subject to change. This section will be revised as the Power-Up’s key features are finalized.


Threat Clusters

Threat clusters are represented by risk:threat nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the THREAT CLUSTERS tab:

  • Displays: all risk:threat nodes in your View.

  • Searches:

    • The risk:threat:name property (“attributed to” column).

    • The risk:threat:names property (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).

    • The risk:threat:reporter name ( “reporter” column).

  • Creating a Threat Cluster:

    When creating a new threat cluster, you have the option to:

    • Link the threat cluster to a threat group node (ou:org) whose names include the threat cluster name (or create an organization node, if one does not exist). This will set the risk:threat:org property.

    • Link the threat cluster to a reporter organization node whose names include the reporter name (or create an organization node for the reporter, if one does not exist). This will set the risk:threat:reporter:org property.

    Set the toggle switch to ON to perform both of these actions:



    Currently, you must set both properties, or neither property. If you leave the toggle OFF, you can choose to set each property individually later when you Run Consistency Checks.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, DETAILS tab, the following additional options are available:

  • Lift associated nodes:

    Click the lift associated nodes button to display all nodes tagged with the threat cluster tag in the Research Tool:


In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TTPS > TOOLS | TECHNIQUES | VULNERABILITIES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(uses)> risk:tool:software

    • risk:threat -(uses)> ou:technique

    • risk:threat -(uses)> risk:vuln


    • The activity is attributed to the threat cluster by tagging the activity node with the threat cluster’s risk:threat:tag value.

  • TARGETING > COUNTRIES | INDUSTRIES: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(targets)> pol:country

    • risk:threat -(targets)> ou:industry


    • The ou:goal is added to the risk:threat:goals array property.

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> risk:threat

Threat Groups

Threat groups are represented by ou:org nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the THREAT GROUPS tab:

  • Displays a subset of ou:org nodes in your View:

    • Organization nodes that are explicitly linked to a threat cluster via the cluster’s risk:threat:org property.

    • Organizations whose :_vertex:threatintel:isthreat property is set to True.

  • Searches the threat group name:

    • ou:org:name (“name” column).

    • ou:org:names (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • Links the specified threat cluster(s) to the group by setting the risk:threat:org property of the threat cluster to the value (guid) of the threat group’s ou:org node.

  • TTPS > TOOLS | TECHNIQUES | VULNERABILITIES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • ou:org -(uses)> risk:tool:software

    • ou:org -(uses)> ou:technique

    • ou:org -(uses)> risk:vuln


    • Sets the risk:attack:attacker or risk:compromise:attacker property to the value (guid) of the threat group’s primary contact (ou:org:hq property).


    • Sets the ou:campaign:org property to the value (guid) of the threat group’s ou:org node.

  • TARGETING > COUNTRIES | INDUSTRIES: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • ou:org -(targets)> pol:country

    • ou:org -(targets)> ou:industry


    • The ou:goal is added to the ou:org:goals array property.

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:org



Tools are represented by risk:tool:software nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the TOOLS tab:

  • Displays: all risk:tool:software nodes in your View.

  • Searches:

    • The risk:tool:software:soft:name property (“name” column).

    • The risk:tool:software:soft:names property (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).

    • The risk:tool:software:reporter name ( “reporter” column).

  • Creating a Tool:

    When creating a new tool, you have the option to:

    • Link the tool to a software node (it:prod:soft) whose names include the tool name (or create a software node, if one does not exist). This will set the risk:tool:software:soft property.

    • Link the tool to a reporter organization node whose names include the reporter name (or create an organization node for the reporter, if one does not exist). This will set the risk:tool:software:reporter:org property.

    Set the toggle switch to ON to perform both of these actions:



    Currently, you must set both properties, or neither property. If you leave the toggle OFF, you can choose to set each property individually later when you Run Consistency Checks.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, DETAILS tab, the following additional options are available:

  • Lift associated nodes:

    Click the lift associated nodes button to display all nodes tagged with the tool tag in the Research Tool:


In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TECHNIQUES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:tool:software -(uses)> ou:technique

  • VULNERABILITIES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:tool:software -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • THREAT CLUSTERS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(uses)> risk:tool:software

  • THREAT GROUPS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • ou:org -(uses)> risk:tool:software

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> risk:tool:software


Software is represented by it:prod:soft nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the SOFTWARE tab:

  • Displays a subset of it:prod:soft nodes in your View:

    • Software nodes that are explicitly linked to a tool via the tool’s risk:tool:software:soft property.

    • Software whose :_vertex:threatintel:istool property is set to True.

  • Searches the software name:

    • it:prod:soft:name (“name” column).

    • it:prod:soft:names (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • Links the specified tool(s) to the software by setting the risk:tool:software:soft property of the tool to the value (guid) of the software’s it:prod:soft node.

  • VULNERABILITIES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • it:prod:soft -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> it:prod:soft


Techniques are represented by ou:technique nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the TECHNIQUES tab:

  • Displays all ou:technique nodes in your View.

  • Searches the technique name:

    • ou:technique:name (“name” column).


    Technique names are normalized to lowercase. Case is ignored when searching for a technique name.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TOOLS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:tool:software -(uses)> ou:technique

  • VULNERABILITIES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:vuln -(uses)> ou:technique

  • THREAT CLUSTERS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(uses)> ou:technique

  • THREAT GROUPS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • ou:org -(uses)> ou:technique

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:technique


Vulnerabilities are represented by risk:vuln nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the VULNERABILITIES tab:

  • Displays all risk:vuln nodes in your View.

  • Searches the vulnerability name:

    • risk:vuln:name (“name” column).


    Vulnerability names are case-sensitive. Prefix searches must match exactly with respect to case. Token searches (available if the synapse-search Advanced Power-Up is installed) are case-insensitive, as tokens are normalized to lowercase when they are indexed.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TOOLS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:tool:software -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • SOFTWARE: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • it:prod:soft -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • TECHNIQUES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:vuln -(uses)> ou:technique

  • THREAT CLUSTERS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • THREAT GROUPS: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • ou:org -(uses)> risk:vuln

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> risk:vuln



Alerts are represented by risk:alert nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the ALERTS tab:

  • Displays all risk:alert nodes in your View.

  • Searches the alert name:

    • risk:alert:name (“name” column).


    Alert names are case-sensitive. Prefix searches must match exactly with respect to case. Token searches (available if the synapse-search Advanced Power-Up is installed) are case-insensitive, as tokens are normalized to lowercase when they are indexed.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • Attributes an alert to a threat cluster (or clusters) by tagging the risk:alert with the threat cluster’s associated tag (risk:threat:tag).


Attacks are represented by risk:attack nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the ATTACKS tab:

  • Displays all risk:attack nodes in your View.

  • Searches the attack name:

    • risk:attack:name (“name” column).


    Attack names are case-sensitive. Prefix searches must match exactly with respect to case. Token searches (available if the synapse-search Advanced Power-Up is installed) are case-insensitive, as tokens are normalized to lowercase when they are indexed.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • USED TECHNIQUES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • risk:attack -(uses)> ou:technique

  • TARGET INDUSTRIES: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:attack -(targets)> ou:industry

  • TARGET ORGANIZATIONS: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:attack -(targets)> ou:org

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> risk:attack


To attribute an attack to a threat cluster, use the Selection Panel to right-click the attack. Select add tags to apply the associated threat cluster tag, or use the THREAT CLUSTERS > ACTIVITY tab to attribute the activity.

To attribute an attack to a threat group, use the DETAILS tab in the Profile Panel to set the “attacker name” property to the name of the threat group, or use the THREAT GROUPS > ACTIVITY tab to attribute the activity.


Compromises are represented by risk:compromise nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the COMPROMISES tab:

  • Displays all risk:compromise nodes in your View.

  • Searches the compromise name:

    • risk:compromise:name (“name” column).


    Compromise names are normalized to lowercase. Case is ignored when searching for a compromise name.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TARGET INDUSTRIES: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:compromise -(targets)> ou:industry


    • Associates the attack(s) with the compromise by setting the attack’s risk:attack:compromise property to the value (guid) of the compromise node.


    • Attributes a compromise to a threat cluster (or clusters) by tagging the risk:compromise with the threat cluster’s associated tag (risk:threat:tag).


    To attribute a compromise to a threat group, use the DETAILS tab to set the “attacker” value to the name of the threat group, or use the THREAT GROUPS > ACTIVITY tab to attribute the activity.

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> risk:compromise


Campaigns are represented by ou:campaign nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the CAMPAIGNS tab:

  • Displays all ou:campaign nodes in your View.

  • Searches the campaign name:

    • ou:campaign:name (“name” column).


    Campaign names are case-sensitive. Prefix searches must match exactly with respect to case. Token searches (available if the synapse-search Advanced Power-Up is installed) are case-insensitive, as tokens are normalized to lowercase when they are indexed.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • Associates the attack(s) with the campaign by setting the attack’s risk:attack:campaign property to the value (guid) of the campaign node.


    • Associates the compromise(s) with the campaign by setting the compromise’s risk:compromise:campaign property to the value (guid) of the campaign node.

  • TECHNIQUES: Links nodes with a “uses” light edge:

    • ou:campaign -(uses)> ou:technique

  • GOALS:

    • The ou:goal is added to the ou:campaign:goals array property.


    • Attributes a campaign to a threat cluster (or clusters) by tagging the risk:campaign with the threat cluster’s associated tag (risk:threat:tag).


    To attribute a campaign to a threat group, use the THREAT GROUPS > ACTIVITY tab to attribute the activity.

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:campaign



Industries are represented by ou:industry nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the INDUSTRIES tab:

  • Displays all ou:industry nodes in your View.

  • Searches the industry name:

    • ou:industry:name (“name” column).

    • ou:industry:names (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).


    Industry names are normalized to lowercase. Case is ignored when searching for a industry name.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:

  • TARGETED BY THREAT GROUPS: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • ou:org -(targets)> ou:industry

  • TARGETED BY THREAT CLUSTERS: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:threat -(targets)> ou:industry

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:industry


Goals are represented by ou:goal nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the GOALS tab:

  • Displays all ou:goal nodes in your View.

  • Searches the goal name:

    • ou:goal:name (“name” column).


    Goal names are case-sensitive. Prefix searches must match exactly with respect to case. Token searches (available if the synapse-search Advanced Power-Up is installed) are case-insensitive, as tokens are normalized to lowercase when they are indexed.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • The ou:goal is added to the ou:campaign:goals array property.


    • The ou:goal is added to the ou:org:goals array property.


    • The ou:goal is added to the risk:threat:goals array property.

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:goal


Organizations are represented by ou:org nodes.

Selection Panel

In the Selection Panel, the ORGANIZATIONS tab:

  • Displays all ou:org nodes in your View.

  • Searches the organization name:

    • ou:org:name (“name” column).

    • ou:org:names (not displayed in the Selection Panel but included in search).


    Organization names are normalized to lowercase. Case is ignored when searching for an organization name.

Profile Panel

In the Profile Panel, the following links are created through the specified tabs:


    • The ou:industry is added to the ou:org:industries array property.

  • ACTIVITY > TARGETED BY ATTACKS: Links nodes with a “targets” light edge:

    • risk:attack -(targets)> ou:org


    • Sets the target property of the compromise (risk:compromise:target) to the value (guid) of the organization’s primary contact (ou:org:hq).

  • IN THE NEWS: Links nodes with a “refs” light edge:

    • media:news -(refs)> ou:org