
The Synapse pushfile command can be used to upload files to a storage Axon (see Axon in the Synapse Devops Guide) and optionally create an associated file:bytes node in a Cortex.

Large-scale file ingest / upload is best performed using an automated feed / module / API. However, pushfile can be useful for uploading one-off files.


pushfile is executed from an operating system command shell. The command usage is as follows:

usage: synapse.tools.pushfile [-h] -a AXON [-c CORTEX] [-r] [-t TAGS] filenames [filenames ...]


  • AXON is the telepath URL to a storage Axon.

  • CORTEX is the optional path to a Cortex where a corresponding file:bytes node should be created.

    • Note: while this is an optional parameter, it doesn’t make much sense to store a file in an Axon that can’t be referenced from within a Cortex.

  • TAGS is an optional list of tags to be applied to the file:bytes node created in the Cortex.

    • -t takes a comma separated list of tags.

    • The tag should be specified by name only (i.e., without the # character).

  • -r recursively finds all files when a glob pattern is used for a file name.

  • filenames is one or more names (with optional paths), or glob patterns, to the local file(s) to be uploaded.

    • If multiple file names are specified, any tag provided with the -t option will be added to each uploaded file.


Upload the file myreport.pdf to the specified Axon, create a file:bytes node in the specified Cortex, and tag the file:bytes node with the tag #sometag (replace the Axon and Cortex path below with the path to your Cortex. Note that the command is wrapped for readability):

python -m synapse.tools.pushfile -a aha://axon... -c aha://cortex... -t sometag /home/user/reports/myreport.pdf

Executing the command will result in various status messages (lines are wrapped for readability):

2019-07-03 11:46:30,567 [INFO] log level set to DEBUG
2019-07-03 11:46:30,568 [DEBUG] Using selector: EpollSelector

adding tags: ['sometag']
Uploaded [myreport.pdf] to axon
file: myreport.pdf (2606351) added to core
  (sha256:229cdde419ba9549023de39c6a0ca8af74b45fade2d7a22cdc4105a75cd40ab0) as myreport.pdf
  • adding tags: ['sometag'] indicates the tag #sometag was applied to the file:bytes node.

  • Uploaded [myreport.pdf] to axon indicates the file was successfully uploaded to the storage Axon.

  • file: myreport.pdf (2606351) added to core (sha256:229cdde4...5cd40ab0) as myreport.pdf indicates the file:bytes node was created in the Cortex.

    • The message gives the new node’s primary property value (sha256:229cdde419ba9549023de39c6a0ca8af74b45fade2d7a22cdc4105a75cd40ab0) and also notes the :name secondary property value assigned to the node (myreport.pdf).

    • pushfile sets the file:bytes:name property to the base name of the local file being uploaded.

If a given file already exists in the Axon (deconflicted based on the file’s SHA256 hash), pushfile will not re-upload the file. However, the command will still process any other options, including:

  • creating the file:bytes node in the Cortex if it does not already exist.

  • applying any specified tag.

  • setting (or overwriting) the :name property on any existing file:bytes node with the base name of the local file specified.

For example (lines wrapped for readability):

python -m synapse.tools.pushfile -a aha://axon...
  -c aha://cortex... -t anothertag,athirdtag

2019-07-03 11:59:03,366 [INFO] log level set to DEBUG
2019-07-03 11:59:03,367 [DEBUG] Using selector: EpollSelector

adding tags: ['anothertag'. 'athirdtag']
Axon already had [anotherreport.pdf]
file: anotherreport.pdf (2606351) added to core
    as anotherreport.pdf

Note the status indicating the Axon already had the specified file. Similarly, the status noting the file:bytes node was added to the Cortex lists the same SHA256 hash as our first upload (i.e., anotherreport.pdf has the same SHA256 hash as myreport.pdf) and indicates the :name property has been updated (as anotherreport.pdf).

The file:bytes node for the uploaded report can now be viewed in the specified Cortex by lifting (see Storm Reference - Lifting) the file using the SHA256 / primary property value from the pushfile status output:


    .created = 2019/07/03 18:46:40.542
    :md5 = 23a14d3a4508628e7e09a4c4868dfb17
    :mime = ??
    :name = anotherrepport.pdf
    :sha1 = 99b6b984988581cae681f65b92198ed77609bd11
    :sha256 = 229cdde419ba9549023de39c6a0ca8af74b45fade2d7a22cdc4105a75cd40ab0
    :size = 2606351
complete. 1 nodes in 3 ms (333/sec).

Viewing the node’s properties, we see that Synapse has set the :name property and has calculated and set the MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 hash secondary property values, as well as the file’s size in bytes. Similarly the two tags from our two example pushfile commands have been added to the node.

Alternatively, a glob pattern could be used to upload all PDF files in a given directory:

python -m synapse.tools.pushfile -a aha://axon...
  -c aha://cortex... -t anothertag,athirdtag