Storm Reference - Type-Specific Storm Behavior

Some data types (Type) within Synapse have additional optimizations. These include optimizations for:

  • indexing (how the type is stored for retrieval);

  • parsing (how the type can be specified for input);

  • insertion (how the type can be used to create or modify nodes);

  • operations (how the type can be lifted, filtered, or otherwise compared).

Types that have been optimized in various ways are documented below along with any specialized operations that may be available for those types.

This section is not a complete reference of all available types. In addition, this section does not address the full range of type enforcement constraints that may restrict the values that can be specified for a given type (such as via a constructor (ctor)). For details on available types and type constraints or enforcement, see the online documentation or the Synapse source code.


An array is a specialized type that consists of either a list or a set of typed values. That is, an array is a type that consists of one or more values that are themselves all of a single, defined type.


An array that is a list can have duplicate entries in the list. An array that is a set consists of a unique group of entries.

Array types can be used for properties where that property is likely to have multiple values, but it is undesirable to represent those values using light edges or multiple Relationship nodes. Examples of array secondary properties include media:news:authors, inet:email:message:headers, and ps:person:names. You can view all secondary properties that are array types using the following Storm query:



Some forms include both a singular and an array property for the same type. This allows you to record a primary value along with optional variations (e.g., such as ou:org:name and ou:org:names), or a primary and optional secondary values (e.g., such as ou:campaign:goal and ou:campaign:goals).




Because an array is a list or set of typed values, array elements can be input in any format supported by the type of the elements themselves. For example, if an array consists of inet:ipv4 values, the values can be input in any supported inet:ipv4 format (e.g., integer, hex, dotted-decimal string, etc.).


Because it may contain multiple values, an array property must be set using comma-separated values enclosed in parentheses (this is true even if the array contains only a single element; you must still use parentheses, and the single element must still be followed by a trailing comma). Single or double quotes are required in accordance with the standard rules for using Whitespace and Literals in Storm.


Set the :names property of an organization (ou:org) node to a single value:

storm> ou:org:name=vertex [ :names=('The Vertex Project',) ]
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845


Set the :names property of an organization (ou:org) node to contain multiple variations of the organization name:

storm> ou:org:name=vertex [ :names=('The Vertex Project', 'The Vertex Project, LLC', Vertex) ]
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845


Using the equals ( = ) operator to set an array property value will set or update (overwrite) the entire property value. To add or remove individual elements from an array, use the += or -= operators.


Add a name to the array of names associated with an organization:

storm> ou:org:name='Monty Python' [ :names+='The Spanish Inquisition' ]
        :name = monty python
        :names = ['monty python', 'the spanish inquisition']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.936

Remove a name from the array of names associated with an organization:

storm> ou:org:name='Monty Python' [ :names-='The Spanish Inquisition' ]
        :name = monty python
        :names = ['monty python']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.936


The standard “edit try” operator ( ?= ) (see “Try” Operator in the Storm Reference - Data Modification) can be used to attempt to set a full array property value where you are unsure whether the value will succeed. The specialized ?+= or ?-= operators can be used to attempt to add or remove a single array value in a similar manner.


Use the specialized “edit try” operator to attempt to add a single value to the :authors array property of an article (media:news node). (Note: a type-inappropriate value (a name) is used below to show the “fail silently” behavior for the “edit try” operator. The :authors property is an array of ps:contact nodes and requires ps:contact guid values.)

storm> media:news:org=kaspersky [ :authors?+='john smith' ]
        :org = kaspersky
        :title = new report on really bad threat
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.998

Usage Notes:

  • When using the standard “edit try” operator ( ?= ) to attempt to set the full value of an array property (vs. adding or removing an element from an array), the entire attempt will fail if any value in the list of values fails. For example, if you try to set [ :identities:emails?=(, bob) ] on an X509 certificate (crypto:x509:cert), Synapse will fail to set the property altogether because bob is not a valid email address type (even though is).

  • The “edit try” operator for removing individual elements from an array ( ?-= ) is unique to arrays as they are the only type that allows removal of a single element from a property. (Properties with a single value are either set, modified (updated), or the property is deleted altogether.) As with other uses of “edit try”, use of the operator allows the operation to silently fail (vs. error and halt) if the operation attempts to remove a value from an array that does not match the array’s defined type. For example, attempting to remove an IPv4 from an array of email addresses will halt with a BadTypeValu error if the standard remove operator ( -=) is used, but silently fail (do nothing and continue) if the “edit try” version ( ?-=) is used.


Lifting and Filtering

Lifting or filtering array properties using the equals ( = ) operator requires an exact match of the full array property value. This makes sense for forms with simple values like inet:ipv4=, but is often infeasible for arrays because lifting by the full array value requires you to know the exact values of each of the array elements as well as their exact order:

storm> ou:org:names=("The Vertex Project", "The Vertex Project, LLC", Vertex)
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845

For this reason, Storm offers a special “by” syntax for lifting and filtering with array types. The syntax consists of an asterisk ( * ) preceding a set of square brackets ( [ ] ), where the square brackets contain a comparison operator and a value that can match one or more elements in the array. This allows users to match one or more elements in the array similarly to how they would match individual property values.


The square brackets used to lift or filter based on values in an array should not be confused with square brackets used to add or modify nodes or properties in Edit Mode.


Lift the ou:org node(s) whose :names property contains a name that exactly matches vertex:

storm> ou:org:names*[=vertex]
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845

Lift the ou:org node(s) whose :names property contains a name that includes the string vertex:

storm> ou:org:names*[~=vertex]
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845
        :name = vertex
        :names = ['the vertex project', 'the vertex project, llc', 'vertex']
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:18:59.845

Lift the x509 certificate nodes that reference the domain

storm> crypto:x509:cert:identities:fqdns*[]
        :identities:fqdns = ['', '']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.102

Downselect a set of ou:org nodes to include only those with a name that starts with “acme”:

storm> ou:org +:names*[^=acme]
        :name = acme construction
        :names = ['acme construction']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.158
        :name = acme consulting
        :names = ['acme consulting']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.153

See Lift by (Arrays) (*[ ]) and Filter by (Arrays) (*[ ]) for additional details.


Synapse and Storm are type-aware and will facilitate pivoting between properties of the same type. This includes pivoting between individual typed properties and array properties consisting of those same types. Type awareness for arrays includes both standard form and property pivots as well as wildcard pivots.


Pivot from a set of x509 certificate nodes to the set of domains referenced by the certificates (such as in the :identities:fqdns array property):

storm> crypto:x509:cert -> inet:fqdn
        :domain = com
        :host = microsoft
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.103
        :domain = com
        :host = verisign
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.103

Pivot from a set of ou:name nodes to any nodes that reference those names (this would include ou:org nodes where the ou:name is present in the :name property or as an element in the :names array):

storm> ou:name^=acme <- *
        :name = acme construction
        :names = ['acme construction']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.158
        :name = acme construction
        :names = ['acme construction']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.158
        :name = acme consulting
        :names = ['acme consulting']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.153
        :name = acme consulting
        :names = ['acme consulting']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.153


duration is a type that represents a period (length) of time.


A duration is stored as an integer value representing the number of milliseconds.


A duration is commonly specified using a string value (days / hours / minutes / seconds / milliseconds as appropriate) with the following notation:

##D hh:mm:ss.mmm

The literal uppercase letter “D” is used to represent the number of days. When entering a duration value as a string, single or double quotes are required in accordance with the standard rules for using Whitespace and Literals in Storm.

A duration can also be specified as the number of milliseconds expressed as an integer value enclosed in parentheses:



Similar to time types, Synapse expects that users will generally enter duration values using “human friendly” strings, and will attempt to parse the input as such. Using parentheses tells Synapse to interpret the value as a raw integer.

Note that this parentheses syntax only applies when setting or updating a duration property using Storm. When setting or updating a property in the Optic UI by editing a field, you must enter a duration string value.


When setting a duration value, enter the value using either format above.


Set the duration of a compromise (risk:compromise node) to six days, six hours, 46 minutes, and 23 seconds:

storm> [ risk:compromise = * :name = 'example compromise' :duration = '6D 06:46:23' ]
        :duration = 6D 06:46:23.000
        :name = example compromise
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.257


storm> [ risk:compromise = * :name = 'example compromise' :duration = (542783000) ]
        :duration = 6D 06:46:23.000
        :name = example compromise
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.300

Values can be set at any level of granularity; e.g., [ :duration = 19D ] is acceptable, as are values to millisecond resolution.


Forms that have duration properties may have related time properties as appropriate for the form, such as a start time or end time or both. A compromise (risk:compromise node) is one example and includes start time (:time), end time (:lasttime), and duration (:duration). This allows you to set any or all properties, depending on the information available. For example, you may know when a compromise was fully remediated (ended), but not when it began or how long it lasted.

While start, end, and duration values are related, Synapse does not currently calculate values for these properties. That is, entering a start time and a duration will not automatically calculate and set the ending time. Similarly, if all three values are set and you modify one of the values, the other value(s) are not updated to reflect the change (e.g., changing the duration will not automatically update the ending time).

That said, in cases where a node has start, end, and duration properties and you have two of the three values, you can use variables to calculate and set the third value. For example, given a risk:compromise:name = 'my compromise' with :time = '2023/09/22 10:40' and :lasttime = '2023/10/06 14:00' you could set the :duration value using the following Storm query:

risk:compromise:name='my compromise' $min=:time $max=:lasttime [ :duration=( $max - $min ) ]

This will set :duration = 14D 03:20:00.000.


As duration types are stored as integers, they support any operations suitable for integer values. This includes:

  • comparison using mathematical operators (such as greater than ( >));

  • finding low or high values using the min or max commands;

  • use of the range ( *range= ) comparison operator;



file:bytes is a special type used to represent any file (i.e., any arbitrary set of bytes). Note that a file can be represented as a node within a Cortex regardless of whether the file itself (the specific set of bytes) is available (i.e., stored in an Axon). This is essential as many other data model elements allow (or depend on) the concept of a file (as opposed to a hash).

The file:bytes type is a specialized guid type. A file can be uniquely represented by the specific contents of the file itself. As it is impractical to use “all the bytes” as a primary property value, it makes sense to use a shortened representation of those bytes - that is, a hash. MD5 collisions can now be generated with ease, and SHA1 collisions were demonstrated in 2017. For this reason, Synapse uses the SHA256 hash of a file (considered sufficiently immune from collision attacks for the time being) as “unique enough” to act as the primary property of a file:bytes node if available. Otherwise, a guid is generated and used.




file:bytes must be input using their complete primary property. It is impractical to manually type a SHA256 hash or 128-bit guid value. For this reason file:bytes forms are most often specified by referencing the node via a more human-friendly secondary property or by pivoting to the node. Alternately, the file:bytes value can be copied and pasted for use in a query.

The primary property of a file:bytes node indicates how the node was created (i.e., via the SHA256 hash or via a guid):

  • A node created using the SHA256 hash will have a primary property value consisting of sha256: prepended to the SHA256 hash:


  • A node created using a guid will have a primary property value consisting of guid: prepended to the guid value:



When specifying a SHA256-based file:bytes node, entering the sha256: prefix is optional. The following are equivalent representations of the same file:




A file:bytes node can be created in one of three ways:

SHA256 Hash

A SHA256 hash can be specified as the node’s primary property. The sha256: prefix can optionally be specified, but is not required (it will be added automatically on node creation). Storm will recognize the primary property value as a SHA256 hash and also set the :sha256 secondary property. Any other secondary properties must be set manually.

storm> [ file:bytes = 44daad9dbd84c92fa9ec52649b028b4c0f7d285407685778d09bad4b397747d0 ]
        :sha256 = 44daad9dbd84c92fa9ec52649b028b4c0f7d285407685778d09bad4b397747d0
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.326

Because the SHA256 is considered unique (for now) for our purposes, the node is fully deconflictable. If additional secondary properties such as :size or other hashes are obtained later, or if the actual file is obtained, the node can be updated with the additional properties based on deconfliction with the SHA256 hash.

GUID Value

The asterisk can be used to generate a file:bytes node with an arbitrary guid value:

storm> [ file:bytes = * ]
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.351

Alternately, a potentially deconflictable guid can be generated by specifying a list of one or more values to the guid generator (for example, an MD5 and / or SHA1 hash). This will generate a predictable guid:

storm> [ file:bytes = (63fcc49b2ac6cbd686f4d9704446c673,) :md5=63fcc49b2ac6cbd686f4d9704446c673 ]
        :md5 = 63fcc49b2ac6cbd686f4d9704446c673
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.376

Synapse does not recognize any strings passed to the guid generator as specific types or properties and will not use values used to generate the guid to set any secondary property values; those properties must be explicitly set (e.g., the :md5 property in the example above).

See the section on type-specific behavior for guid types for additional discussion of arbitrary (non-deconflictable) vs. deconflictable guids.


“Deconflicting” file:bytes nodes based on an MD5 or SHA1 hash alone is potentially risky because both of those hashes are subject to collision attacks. In other words, two files that have the same MD5 hash or the same SHA1 hash are not guaranteed to be the same file based on that single hash alone.

In short, creating file:bytes nodes using the MD5 and / or SHA1 hash can allow the creation of “potentially” deconflictable nodes when no other data is available. However, this deconfliction is subject to some limitations, as noted above. In addition, if the actual file (full bytes) or corresponding SHA256 hash is obtained later, it is not possible to “convert” a guid-based file:bytes node to one whose primary property is based on the SHA256 hash.

Actual Bytes

You can also create a file:bytes node by adding the actual file (set of bytes) to Synapse (specifically, to Synapse’s Axon storage). Adding the file will create the file:bytes node in the Cortex based on the file’s SHA256 value. Synapse will also calculate and set additional properties for the file:bytes node’s size and other hashes (e.g., MD5, SHA1, etc.).

Creating file:bytes nodes in this manner is often done programmatically (such as via a Synapse Power-Up) that can download or ingest files. Other options include:

  • the built-in Synapse wget command;

  • the Upload File menu option available from the Optic UI, which allows you to either upload a file from local disk, or download a file from a specified URL; or

  • the pushfile tool, available from the CLI in the community version of Synapse (see pushfile).


Like other external (to Storm) commands, the pushfile tool is accessible from the Storm CLI (see storm) as !pushfile.

Similarly, Storm’s HTTP library ($lib.inet.http) could be leveraged to retrieve a web-based file and use the returned bytes as input (potentially using Storm variables - see Storm Reference - Advanced - Variables) to the guid generator. A detailed discussion of this method is beyond the scope of this section; see the Storm Libraries technical documentation for additional detail.


For some lift and filter operations, you may optionally specify file:bytes nodes using a “sufficiently unique” partial match of the node’s primary property. For example, the prefix operator ( ^= ) may be used to specify a unique prefix for the file:bytes node’s SHA256 or guid value:

storm> file:bytes^=sha256:021b4ce5
        :md5 = 8934aeed5d213fe29e858eee616a6ec7
        :name = adobeupdater.exe
        :sha1 = a7e576f41f7f100c1d03f478b05c7812c1db48ad
        :sha256 = 021b4ce5c4d9eb45ed016fe7d87abe745ea961b712a08ea4c6b1b81d791f1eca
        :size = 182820
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.399

Usage Notes:

  • When using the prefix operator, the sha256: or guid: prefix string must be included.

  • The length of the value that is “sufficiently unique” to select a single file:bytes will vary depending on the data in your instance of Synapse. If your selection criteria matches more than one file:bytes node, Synapse will return all matches.

  • Alternatively, the regular expression operator ( ~= ) may be used to specify a partial string match anywhere in the file:bytes node’s primary property value (though this is an inefficient way to specify a file:bytes node).


Within Synapse, a Globally Unique Identifier (guid) as a Type explicitly refers to a 128-bit value used as a form’s primary property.

The term should not be confused with the definition of GUID used by Microsoft, or with other types of identifiers (node ID, task ID) used within Synapse.

The guid type is used as the primary property for forms that cannot be uniquely defined by any set of specific properties. See the background documents on the Synapse data model for additional details on the Guid Form.

A guid value may be generated arbitrarily or in a predictable (i.e., repeatable) manner based on a defined set of inputs.

See the section on file:bytes types for discussion of file:bytes as a specialized instance of a guid type.




Guids must be input using their complete 128-bit value. It is generally impractical to manually type a guid. Guid forms are most often specified by referencing the node via a more human-friendly secondary property. Alternately, the guid value can be copied and pasted.


Guids can be generated arbitrarily or as predictable values. When choosing a method, you should consider how you will deconflict guid-based nodes. See Guid Best Practices below for additional discussion.

Arbitrary Values

When creating a new guid node, you can specify the asterisk ( * ) as the primary property value of the new node. This tells Synapse to generate a unique, arbitrary guid for the node. For example:

storm> [ ou:org=* :alias=vertex :name="The Vertex Project" :url= ]
        :alias = vertex
        :name = the vertex project
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.517

The above query creates a new organization node with a unique arbitrary guid for its primary property, and sets the specified secondary properties.


Because the guid generated by the asterisk is arbitrary, running the above query a second time will create a second ou:org node with a new unique guid (potentially resulting in two nodes representing the same organization within the same Cortex).

The advantage of arbitrary values is that they are simple to generate. This is particularly useful for analysts who need to manually create guid nodes (organizations, contacts, threats) on a regular basis as part of their workflow.

The disadvantage is that arbitrary values are truly arbitrary; there is no easy way to deconflict the nodes.

  • Users may inadvertently create duplicate nodes. That is, two users can independently create nodes with different guids to represent the same object. The only way to prevent this is by convention - for example, establishing internal processes where users “check first” before creating certain nodes. Note that while this may limit duplication, it is unlikely to eliminate it entirely.

  • Bulk data that is ingested using arbitrary guids cannot be reingested, at least not in the same way. Reingesting the same data will create a second set of nodes for the same data but with different arbitrary guids.

Predictable Values

You can generate a guid value in a predictable manner based on a defined set of inputs. The inputs are specified as a comma-separated list within a set of parentheses. The guid generator uses these values as “seed” data to create a predictable guid value; the same set of seed data always generates the same guid.

For example:

storm> [ ou:org=('the vertex project', :name='the vertex project' :url= ]
        :name = the vertex project
        :url =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.544

The query above creates a new organization node whose guid is generated using the company name and web site as a set of (presumably) unique inputs that will result in a unique (but predictable / deterministic) guid.

The advantage of predictable guids is that they are re-encounterable and therefore deconflictable: if you ingest data using a predictable guid, the same data can be reingested without creating duplicate nodes. This is helpful in cases where a preliminary data set is loaded into Synapse for analysis, and subsequent changes (improvements to the ingest logic, additions to the Synapse data model) allow you to capture additional detail from the original data set.

The disadvantage is that this method is more complicated for users who need to manually create guid nodes. Expecting a group of users to all remember to specify the same set of inputs in the same order (and without typos) each time they create a guid node is unrealistic.

In addition, predictable guids may not fully address challenges associated with ingesting similar data from different sources. Multiple vendors may provide similar information on the same entity. If you obtain data for the same object (an organization, a person, a certificate) from different sources, you may end up with two different nodes if the “predictable” guids are generated with different seed data from each source.

Guid Best Practices

When selecting a method to create guids, a key consideration is how you will deconflict data represented by guid forms. Guid forms are unique in that their primary property has no direct or obvious relationship to the object it represents. The primary property ou:org=44db774d29f27684add0d892931c6e86 tells me this is an organization node, but provides no clue as to whether the organization is The Vertex Project, the World Bank, or the University of Michigan marching band.

The important information about “what” a guid form represents is stored in the form’s secondary properties. So from a deconfliction standpoint, the best way to see if a guid node already exists is to use secondary property deconfliction:

  • Query for an existing node based on one or more meaningful secondary properties.

  • The query will lift (return) the selected node(s), if found; otherwise

  • Create a new guid node using an arbitrary guid ( * ).


SSL/TLS certificate data is available from various data sources / APIs; different sites or vendors may provide similar information about the same certificate. Certificate metadata (i.e., information such as fingerprints, validity dates, etc.) is represented as a crypto:x509:cert node, which is a guid form. If you obtain data about the same certificate from different data sources, you risk the creation of duplicate nodes.

Instead, when ingesting data about a specific certificate, a user (or process) can first check for a crypto:x509:cert node based on a unique property, such as a certificate fingerprint (e.g., crypto:x509:cert:sha1, or ideally crypto:x509:cert:sha256 to avoid hash collisions). If an existing node is found, that node can be selected and updated (or otherwise operated on); otherwise a new node for that certificate can be created using an arbitrary guid ( * ) with the appropriate secondary properties set.

Using secondary property deconfliction for guid nodes has the advantage of deconflicting on meaningful properties (those likely to uniquely identify an object), without relying on knowledge of any specific method used to create predictable guids. (Note that “predictable guids” are often generated using these same secondary properties; so deconflicting on the properties directly is both more straightforward and more transparent.)


When choosing a secondary property (or properties) to deconflict on, you should select ones that can sufficiently deconflict the form and are likely to be present in the data source(s) you may use to obtain information about the form.

Secondary property deconfliction is not guaranteed to eliminate all duplications, but is highly effective in many cases. This method can be used both programmatically (i.e., in any ingest scripts or Power-Ups (Power-Up)) and by users who can “spot check” for the existence of a node before manually creating one.


Synapse implements several Storm commands known as generator (“gen”) commands. These commands simplify secondary property deconfliction and node creation for several common guid nodes.

For example, the command takes an organization name as input (e.g, “vertex”), checks for any ou:org nodes with that name (i.e., in the :name or :names properties) and either lifts the existing node, or creates a new one.

See the gen section in the Storm Reference - Storm Commands for available generator commands (or run help from your Synapse CLI).

Arbitrary Guids

For some use cases, the use of arbitrary guids (without secondary property deconfliction) may be reasonable. This approach may be suitable when:

  • The data you are ingesting is truly unique (i.e., the same or similar data is not available from another source). For example, log or alert data that is specific to a unique sensor or host.

  • You need to perform a one-time ingest of the data (i.e., you do not plan to reingest the same data in the future).

If the data is unique, but you may need to reingest it at some point, secondary property deconfliction or predictable guids are more appropriate.

Predictable Guids

For some use cases, the use of predictable guids (without secondary property deconfliction) may be reasonable. This approach may be suitable when:

  • You have a unique set of data (not available from another data source) to ingest and want the option to reingest it in the future without creating duplicate nodes.

  • The data is sufficiently unique that nodes representing the data will not already exist in Synapse.

  • You cannot use secondary property deconfliction given the nature of the data. In this case, deconfliction based on predictable guids may be the “next best” option.

When using predictable guids, the “seed” data to generate the guid should be unique to both the node being created and the specific data source. For example, your inputs could include:

  • A string representing the data source.

  • The timestamp associated with the data, if one exists.

  • The values of one or more secondary properties for the node you are creating. Be sure to choose properties where:

    • the property / properties will always be present for the given data source; and

    • the set of properties is sufficient to create a unique node.

For example, a media:news node might be created using:

  • A data source string (e.g., my_data_source).

  • The publication date of the article (e.g., 2022/09/12)

  • The URL where the article was published (e.g.,

Predictable guid values can be generated directly (as part of Storm Edit Mode syntax):

storm> [ media:news=(my_data_source,2022/09/12, ]
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.570

Alternately, guid values can be generated and assigned to a variable using the Storm $lib.guid() library (see $lib.guid(*args, valu=$lib.undef)). The values provided as arguments to $lib.guid() can be either specific values or variables:

storm> $guid=$lib.guid(my_data_source,2022/09/12, [ media:news=$guid ]
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.570
storm> $source=my_data_source $published=2022/09/12 $url= $guid=$lib.guid($source,$published,$url) [ media:news=$guid ]
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.570

Note that the same guid value is generated in each of the three examples above.


The input to the guid generator is interpreted as a structured list, specifically, a list of string values (i.e., (str_0, str_1, str_2...str_n)). Deconfliction depends on the same list being submitted to the generator in the same order each time.

The guid generator is not “model aware” and will not recognize items in the list as having a particular data type or representing a particular property value. That is, Synapse will not set any secondary property values based on data provided to the guid generator. Any property values must be set as part of the node creation process.

A full discussion of writing ingest code (particularly for Storm packages, services, or Power-Ups) is beyond the scope of this User Guide. For more information, see the Synapse Developer Guide.


Because guid values are unwieldy to use on the command line (outside of copy and paste operations), guid nodes may be more easily lifted by a unique secondary property.


Lift an org node by its alias:

storm> ou:org:alias=choam
        :alias = choam
        :name = combine honnete ober advancer mercantiles
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.676

Lift a DNS request node by the name used in the DNS query:

        :query:name =
        :query:name:fqdn =
        :time = 2020/04/30 09:30:33.000
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.718

It is also possible to lift and filter guid nodes using a “sufficiently unique” prefix match of the guid value.


Lift a ps:contact node by a partial prefix match:

storm> ps:contact^=13c9663e
        :name = seongsu park
        :orgname = kaspersky lab
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.764

The length of the value that is “sufficiently unique” will vary depending on the data in your instance of Synapse. If your selection criteria matches more than one node, Synapse will return all matches.

When setting or updating a secondary property that is a guid value, you may use a “human friendly” Storm query (specifically a subquery) to reference the node whose primary property (guid value) you wish to set for the secondary property.


Set the :org property for a ps:contact node to the guid value of the associated ou:org node using a Storm query:

storm> ps:contact:name='ron the cat' [ :org={ ou:org:name=vertex } ]
        :name = ron the cat
        :org = 29b6e7bad25fc3538503ba94bd89365a
        :title = cattribution analyst
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.804


The Storm query used to specify the guid node must return exactly one node. If the query returns more than one node, or does not return any nodes, Synapse will generate an error.

See Add or Modify Properties Using Subqueries for additional details.


Fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are structured as a set of string elements separated by the dot ( . ) character. The Domain Name System acts as a “reverse hierarchy” (operating from right to left instead of from left to right) separated along the dot boundaries - i.e., com is the hierarchical root for domains such as or

Because of this logical structure, Synapse includes certain optimizations for working with inet:fqdn types:

  • Reverse string indexing on inet:fqdn types.

  • Default values for the secondary properties :issuffix and :iszone of a given inet:fqdn node based on the values of those properties for the node’s parent domain.


Synapse performs reverse string indexing on inet:fqdn types. Domains are indexed in full reverse order - that is, the domain is indexed as to account for the “reverse hierarchy” implicit in the DNS structure.




When inet:fqdn nodes are created (or modifications to certain properties are made), Synapse uses some built-in logic to set certain secondary properties related to zones of control (specifically, :issuffix, :iszone, and :zone).

The reverse hierarchy implicit in dotted FQDNs represents elements such as <host>.<domain>.<suffix>, but can also represent implicit or explicit zones of control. The term “zone of control” is loosely defined, and is not meant to represent control or authority by any specific organization or entity. Instead, “zone of control” can be thought of as a boundary within an individual FQDN hierarchy where control of a portion of the domain namespace shifts from one entity or owner to another.

A simple example is the com top-level domain (managed by Verisign) vs. the domain (controlled by Microsoft Corporation). Com represents one zone of control where represents another.

The inet:fqdn form in the Synapse data model uses several secondary properties that relate to zones of control:

  • :issuffix = primary zone of control

  • :iszone = secondary zone of control

  • :zone = authoritative zone for a given domain or subdomain

(Note: contrast :zone with :domain which simply represents the next level “up” in the hierarchy from the current domain).

Synapse uses the following logic for suffixes and zones upon inet:fqdn creation:

  1. All domains consisting of a single element (such as com, museum, us, br, etc.) are considered suffixes and receive the following default values:

    • :issuffix = 1

    • :iszone = 0

    • :zone = <none / property not created>

    • :domain = <none / property not created>

  2. Any domain whose parent domain is a suffix is considered a zone and receives the following default values:

    • :issuffix = 0

    • :iszone = 1

    • :zone = <set to self>

    • :domain = <set to parent domain>

  3. Any domain whose parent domain is a zone is considered a “normal” subdomain and receives the following default values:

    • :issuffix = 0

    • :iszone = 0

    • :zone = <set to parent domain>

    • :domain = <set to parent domain>

  4. Any domain whose parent domain is a “normal” subdomain receives the following default values:

    • :issuffix = 0

    • :iszone = 0

    • :zone = <set to first fqdn “up” the domain hierarchy with :iszone = 1>

    • :domain = <set to parent domain>


The above logic is recursive over all nodes in a Cortex. Changing an :issuffix or :iszone property on an existing inet:fqdn node will not only modify that node, but also propagate any changes associated with those properties to any existing subdomains.

Potential Limitations

This logic works well for single-element top-level domains (TLDs) (such as com vs However, it does not address cases that may be relevant for certain types of analysis, such as:

  • Top-level country code domains and their subdomains. Under Synapse’s default logic uk is a suffix and is a zone. However, could also be considered a suffix in its own right, because subdomains such as are under the control of the organization that registers them. In this case, uk would be a suffix, could be considered both a suffix and a zone, and could be considered a zone.

  • Special-case zones of control. Some domains (such as those used to host web-based services) can be considered specialized zones of control. In these cases, the service provider typically owns the “main” domain (such as but individual customers can register personal subdomains for their hosted services (such as The division between and individual customer subdomains could represent different zones of control. In this case, com would be a suffix, could be considered both a suffix and a zone, and could be considered a zone.

Examples such as these are not accounted for by Synapse’s suffix / zone logic. The definition of additional domains as suffixes and / or zones is an implementation decision (though once the relevant properties are set, the changes are propagated recursively as noted above).


Because of Synapse’s reverse string indexing for inet:fqdn types, domains can be lifted or filtered based on matching any partial domain suffix string. The asterisk ( * ) is the extended operator used to perform this operation. The asterisk does not have to be used along dot boundaries but can match anywhere in any FQDN element.


Lift all domains that end with

storm> inet:fqdn='*'
        :domain = com
        :host = ayuisyahooapis
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.870
        :domain = com
        :host = micyuisyahooapis
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.876
        :domain = com
        :host = usyahooapis
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.882

Lift all domains ending with

storm> inet:fqdn="*"
        :domain =
        :host = s
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = false
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.938
        :domain =
        :host = dogs
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = false
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.932
        :domain =
        :host = sss
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = false
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.944
        :domain =
        :host = www
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = false
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.944
        :domain =
        :host = cats
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = false
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.925

Downselect a set of DNS A records to those with domains ending with .museum:

storm> inet:dns:a +:fqdn="*.museum"
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.997

Usage Notes

  • Because the asterisk is a non-alphanumeric character, the string to be matched must be enclosed in single or double quotes (see Whitespace and Literals in Storm).

  • Because domains are reverse-indexed instead of prefix indexed, for lift operations, partial string matching can only occur based on the end (suffix) of a domain. It is not possible to lift FQDNs by prefix. For example, inet:fqdn^=yahoo is invalid.

  • Domains can be filtered by prefix (^=). For example, inet:fqdn="*.biz" +inet:fqdn^=smtp is valid.

  • Domains cannot be filtered based on suffix matching (note that a “lift by suffix” is effectively a combined “lift and filter” operation).

  • Domains can be lifted or filtered using the regular expression (regex) extended operator (~=). For example inet:fqdn~=google is valid (see Lift by Regular Expression (~=) and Filter by Regular Expression (~=)).


IPv4 addresses are stored as integers and represented (displayed) to users as dotted-decimal strings.


IPv4 addresses are indexed as integers. This optimizes various comparison operations, including greater than / less than, range, etc.


While IPv4 addresses are stored and indexed as integers, they can be input into Storm (and used within Storm operations) as any of the following.

  • integer: inet:ipv4 = 3232235521

  • hex: inet:ipv4 = 0xC0A80001

  • dotted-decimal string: inet:ipv4 =

  • range: inet:ipv4 =

  • CIDR: inet:ipv4 =


The ability to specify IPv4 values using either range or CIDR format allows you to “bulk create” sets of inet:ipv4 nodes without the need to specify each address individually.


Note: results (output) not shown below due to length.

Create ten inet:ipv4 nodes:

[ inet:ipv4 = ]

Create the 256 addresses in the range

[ inet:ipv4 = ]


Similar to node insertion, lifting or filtering IPV4 addresses by range or by CIDR notation will operate on every inet:ipv4 node that exists within the Cortex and falls within the specified range or CIDR block. This allows operating on multiple contiguous IP addresses without the need to specify them individually.


Lift all inet:ipv4 nodes within the specified range that exist within the Cortex:

storm> inet:ipv4 =
        :type = linklocal
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.181
        :type = linklocal
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.186
        :type = linklocal
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.191

Filter a set of DNS A records to only include those whose IPv4 value is within the 172.16.* RFC1918 range:

storm> +:ipv4=
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.243


An int is an integer value. Synapse stores, indexes, and displays integer values as decimal integers, but will also accept as hex or octal values as input.




When adding or modifying integer values, Synapse will accept integer, hex (preceded by 0x), and octal (preceded by 0o) values and represent them as decimal integer values.


Set the :count of the biz:bundle to 42:

storm> biz:bundle=9688955d141aae88194277e74d82084d [ :count=42 ]
        :count = 42
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.284

Use a hex value to set the :ip:proto property for the inet:flow node to 6:

storm> inet:flow=684babd42810ae9dc11132805abc2831 [ :ip:proto=0x06 ]
        :dst = tcp://
        :dst:ipv4 =
        :dst:proto = tcp
        :ip:proto = 6
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.325

Use an octal value to set the :posix:perms property for the file:archive:entry node to 755:

storm> file:archive:entry=3a24e1008b43bc2f1e35b3e872f201fc [ :posix:perms=0o426 ]
        :added = 2023/08/11 11:33:00.000
        :file = sha256:0c72088f529dc53e813de8e7df47922b1a9137924e072468559f7865eb7ad18b
        :posix:perms = 278
        :user = ozzie
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.368


Same as for parsing.


Use integer, hex, or octal values to lift and filter integer types using standard comparison operators.


Lift all risk:alert nodes where the :priority is set to less than 10:

storm> risk:alert:priority<10
        :desc = outbound traffic to SOC-reported IP
        :detected = 2023/08/01 09:00:00.000
        :name = suspicious outbound traffic
        :priority = 8
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.411

Lift all inet:flow nodes tagged with #my.tag and filter to include only those where the :ip:proto property is set to the hex equivalent of 6:

storm> inet:flow#mytag +:ip:proto=0x06

Use an octal value to lift all it:group nodes where the :posix:gid values equate to 278:

storm> it:group:posix:gid=0o426
        :desc = threat researchers group
        :host = a6f4147c23421ef47a1fabea899b3aeb
        :name = research
        :posix:gid = 278
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.515


ival (“interval”) is a specialized type consisting of two time types in a paired (<min>, <max>) relationship. As such, the individual values in an ival are subject to the same specialized handling as individual time values.

ival types have their own optimizations in addition to those related to time types.




An ival type is typically specified as two comma-separated time values enclosed in parentheses. Alternately, an ival can be specified as a single time value with no parentheses (see Insertion below for ival behavior when specifying a single time value).

Single or double quotes are required in accordance with the standard rules for using Whitespace and Literals in Storm. For example:

  • .seen=("2017/03/24 12:13:27", "2017/08/05 17:23:46")

  • +#sometag=(2018/09/15, "+24 hours")

  • .seen=2019/03/24

As ival types are a pair of values (i.e., an explicit minimum and maximum), the values must be placed in parentheses and separated by a comma: (<min>, <max>). The parser expects two explicit values.

An ival can also be specified as a single time value, in which case the value must be specified without parentheses: <time>. See Insertion below for ival behavior when adding vs. modifying using a single time value vs. a (<min>, <max>) pair.

When entering an ival type, each time value can be input using most of the acceptable formats for time types, including explicit times (including lower resolution times and wildcard times), relative times, and the special values now and ?.

ival types also support relative times using +- format to represent both a positive and negative offset from a given point (i.e., "+-1 hour").

When entering relative times in an ival type:

  • A relative time in the first (<min>) position is calculated relative to the current time (now).

  • A relative time in the second (<max>) position is calculated relative to the first (<min>) time.

For example:

  • .seen="+1 hour" means from the current time (now) to one hour after the current time.

  • .seen=(2018/12/01, "+1 day") means from 12:00 AM December 1, 2018 to 12:00 AM December 2, 2018.

  • .seen=(2018/12/01, "-1 day") means from 12:00 AM November 30, 2018 to 12:00 AM December 1, 2018.

  • .seen=(now, "+-5 minutes") means from 5 minutes ago to 5 minutes from now.

  • .seen=("-30 minutes", "+1 hour") means from 30 minutes ago to 30 minutes from now.

When specifying minimum and maximum times for an ival type (or when specifying minimum and maximum time values to the *range= comparator), the following restrictions should be kept in mind:

  • Minimums and maximums that use explicit times and / or special terms (now, ?) should be specified in <min>, <max> order.

    • Specifying a <max>, <min> order will not result in an error message, but because it results in an exclusionary time window, it will not return any nodes (i.e., no time / interval can be both greater than a max value and less than a min value).

    • Similarly, combinations of relative times that result in an effective <max>, <min> after relative offsets are calculated are allowed (will not generate an error), but will result in an exclusionary time window that does not return any nodes.

  • Values that result in a nonsensical <min>, <max> are not allowed and will generate an error. For example:

    • The special value ? cannot be used as a minimum value in a (<min>, <max>) pair.

    • A +- relative time cannot be used as a minimum value in a (<min>, <max>) pair.

    • When specifying a +- relative time as the maximum value in a (<min>, <max>) pair, an explicit <min> value is also required (i.e., either an explicit time or now).


  • When adding an ival as a (<min>, <max>) pair, the ival can be specified as described above.

    • If the values for <min> and <max> are identical, then <min> will be set to the specified value and <max> will be set to <min> plus 1 ms.

  • When adding an ival as a single time value, it must be specified without parentheses.

    • When a single time value is used, the <min> value will be set to the specified time and the <max> will be set to the <min> time plus 1 ms.

  • When modifying an existing ival property (including tag timestamps) with either a (<min>, <max>) pair or a single time value, the existing ival is not simply overwritten (as is the norm for modifying properties - see Storm Reference - Data Modification). Instead, the <min> and / or <max> are only updated if the new value(s) are:

    • Less than the current <min>, and / or

    • Greater than the current <max>.

    This means that once set, <min> and <max> can only be “pushed out” to a lower minimum and / or a higher maximum. Specifying a time or times that fall within the current minimum and maximum will have no effect (i.e., the current values will be retained).

    This means that it is not possible to “shrink” an ival directly; to specify a higher minimum or a lower maximum (or to remove the timestamps altogether), you must delete the ival property (or remove the timestamped tag) and re-add it with the updated values.


ival types can be lifted and filtered (see Storm Reference - Lifting and Storm Reference - Filtering) with the standard equivalent ( = ) operator, which will match the exact <min> and <max> values specified.


Lift the DNS A nodes whose observation window is exactly from 2018/12/13 01:05 to 2018/12/16 12:57:

storm> inet:dns:a.seen=("2018/12/13 01:05", "2018/12/16 12:57")
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.572
        .seen = ('2018/12/13 01:05:00.000', '2018/12/16 12:57:00.000')

ival types cannot be used with comparison operators such as “less than” or “greater than or equal to”.

ival types are most often lifted or filtered using the custom interval comparator (@=) (see Lift by Time or Interval (@=) and Filter by Time or Interval (@=)). @= is intended for time-based comparisons (including comparing ival types with time types).


Lift all the DNS A nodes whose observation window overlaps with the interval of March 1, 2019 through April 1, 2019:

storm> inet:dns:a.seen@=(2019/03/01, 2019/04/01)
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.618
        .seen = ('2019/01/05 09:38:00.000', '2019/03/12 18:17:00.000')
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.625
        .seen = ('2019/03/08 07:26:00.000', '2019/03/22 10:14:00.000')
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.632
        .seen = ('2019/03/28 22:22:00.000', '2019/04/27 00:03:00.000')

ival types cannot be used with the *range= custom comparator. *range= can only be used to specify a range of individual values (such as time or int).


By definition, an ival is a pair of date/time values treated as a single combined value. This means that when using variables to work with ival types, the full value of the property is assigned to the variable by default. For example, given a node (such as an inet:dns:a node) with a .seen value of (2023/07/08 11:19:02, 2023/12/14 21:18:47), the variable assignment $time = .seen will assign the pair of date/times to $time.

You can access each date/time of an ival independently by assigning the value to a pair of variables as follows:

( $min, $max ) = .seen

$min will represent the value 2023/07/08 11:19:02 and $max will represent the value 2023/12/14 21:18:47.


Loc is a specialized type used to represent geopolitical locations (i.e., locations within geopolitical boundaries) as a series of user-defined dot-separated hierarchical strings - for example, <country>.<region>.<city>. This allows specifying locations such as,, and ca.on.toronto.

Loc is an extension of the str type. However, because loc types use strings that comprise a dot-separated hierarchy, they exhibit slightly modified behavior from standard string types for certain operations.


The loc type is an extension of the str type and is prefix-indexed like other strings. However, the use of dot-separated boundaries impacts operations using loc values.

loc values are normalized to lowercase.


loc values can be input using any case (uppercase, lowercase, mixed case) but will normalized to lowercase.

Components of a loc value must be separated by the dot ( . ) character. A loc value that consists of a single element does not require a trailing dot.

The dot is a reserved character for the loc type and is used to separate string elements along hierarchical boundaries. The use of the dot as a reserved boundary marker impacts some operations using the loc type. Note that this means the dot cannot be used as part of a location string. For example, the following location value would be interpreted as a hierarchical location with four elements (us, fl, st, and petersburg):

  • :loc =

To appropriately represent the “city” element of the above location, an alternate syntax must be used. For example:

  • :loc = us.fl.stpetersburg

  • :loc = " petersburg"

  • :loc = us.fl.st_petersburg

  • …etc.

As an extension of the str type, loc types are subject to Synapse’s restrictions regarding using Whitespace and Literals in Storm.


Same as for parsing.

As loc values are simply dot-separated strings, the use or enforcement of any specific convention for geolocation values and hierarchies is an implementation decision.


The use of the dot character ( . ) as a reserved boundary marker impacts prefix ( ^= ) and equivalent ( = ) operations using the loc type.

Prefix Operator

When lifting or filtering on loc property values using the prefix comparison operator ( ^= ), the specified value must fall on a dot boundary.

String and string-derived types are prefix-indexed to optimize lifting or filtering strings that start with a given substring. For standard strings, the prefix operator can be used with strings of arbitrary length. However, for loc types, the prefix operator works along dot boundaries. This is because it is generally more analytically meaningful to lift all locations within the US (^= us) or within Florida (^= us.fl) than it is to lift all locations in the US within states that start with “V” (^= us.v).

Prefix comparison for loc types is useful because it easily allows lifting or filtering at any appropriate level of resolution within the dotted hierarchy:


Lift all organizations located in Turkey (tr):

storm> ou:org:loc ^= tr
        :loc = tr.ankara
        :name = republic of turkey ministry of foreign affairs
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.676
        :loc =
        :name = adeo it consulting services
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.682

Lift all IP addresses geolocated in the province of Ontario, Canada (ca.on):

storm> inet:ipv4:loc ^= ca.on
        :loc = ca.on
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.723
        :loc = ca.on.barrie
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.729
        :loc = ca.on.keswick
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.734


Specifying a more granular prefix value will not match values that are less granular. That is, inet:ipv4:loc ^= ca.on will fail to match inet:ipv4:loc = ca.

Equals Operator

When lifting or filtering on loc property values using the equals operator ( = ), Synapse will return exact matches for the specified value. The query below will only lift geo:place nodes with :loc = us.wa.seattle; it will not lift nodes with :loc = us.wa or :loc = us.washington.seattle:

Lift all places in the city of Seattle, Washington:

storm> geo:place:loc = us.wa.seattle
        :latlong = 47.4502535,-122.3110105
        :loc = us.wa.seattle
        :name = seattle-tacoma international airport
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.784
        :latlong = 47.6205099,-122.3514714
        :loc = us.wa.seattle
        :name = space needle
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.778

When lifting on :loc property values using the equals operator ( = ), a single asterisk ( * ) can be used as a “wildcard” to represent any trailing string following a dot boundary (including no trailing string - :loc = us.* will match :loc = us as well as :loc = us.tx.austin). The asterisk must immediately follow a dot boundary and must be the final character in the expression (e.g., expressions such as :loc = us.*.rochester and :loc = us.m* are invalid; the expressions will not generate an error but will fail to return any nodes).

Lift all organizations located in Turkey:

storm> ou:org:loc = tr.*
        :loc = tr.ankara
        :name = republic of turkey ministry of foreign affairs
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.676
        :loc =
        :name = adeo it consulting services
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.682

Lift all IP addresses geolocated in the province of Ontario, Canada:

storm> inet:ipv4:loc = ca.on.*
        :loc = ca.on
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.723
        :loc = ca.on.barrie
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.729
        :loc = ca.on.keswick
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.734


Lifting by loc property value using the wildcard is equivalent to a prefix lift. The following queries will return the same results:

Wildcard: ou:org:loc = de.*

Prefix match: ou:org:loc ^= de



String (and string-derived) types are indexed by prefix (character-by-character from the beginning of the string). This allows matching on any initial substring.


Some string types and string-derived types are normalized to all lowercase to facilitate pivoting across like values without case-sensitivity. For types that are normalized in this fashion, the string can be entered in mixed-case and will be automatically converted to lowercase.

Strings are subject to Synapse’s restrictions regarding using Whitespace and Literals in Storm.


Same as for parsing.


Because of Synapse’s use of prefix indexing, string and string-derived types can be lifted or filtered based on matching an initial substring of any string using the prefix extended comparator (^=) (see Lift by Prefix (^=) and Filter by Prefix (^=)).

Prefix matching is case-sensitive based on the specific type being matched. If the target property’s type is case-sensitive, the string to match must be entered in case-sensitive form. If the target property is case-insensitive (i.e., normalized to lowercase) the string to match can be entered in any case (upper, lower, or mixed) and will be automatically normalized by Synapse.


Lift all organizations whose name starts with the word “Acme “:

storm> ou:org:name^='acme '
        :name = acme construction
        :names = ['acme construction']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.158
        :name = acme consulting
        :names = ['acme consulting']
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.153

Filter a set of Internet accounts to those with usernames starting with ‘matrix’:

storm> +:user^=matrix
        :site =
        :user = matrixneo
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.891
        :site =
        :user = matrixmaster
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.885

Strings and string-derived types can also be lifted or filtered using the regular expression extended comparator ( ~=) (see Lift by Regular Expression (~=) and Filter by Regular Expression (~=)).


syn:tag is a specialized type used for Tag nodes and properties within Synapse. Tags are used to group related nodes; provide context to nodes; and often represent domain-specific, analytically relevant observations or assessments. Tags support a hierarchical namespace based on user-defined dot-separated strings. This hierarchy allows recording classes or categories of observations that can be defined with increasing specificity. (See Analytical Model for more information.)


The syn:tag type is an extension of the str type and is prefix-indexed like other strings.

syn:tag values are normalized to lowercase.


Components of a syn:tag value must be separated by the dot ( . ) character. The dot is a reserved character for the syn:tag type and is used to separate string elements along hierarchical boundaries. A syn:tag value that consists of a single element does not require a trailing dot.

syn:tag values can contain ASCII lowercase characters, numerals, and underscores, as well as Unicode words (including most characters that can be part of a word in any language). Spaces and ASCII symbols (other than the underscore) are not allowed.

The following are all acceptable syn:tag values:

  • syn:tag = cno

  • syn:tag = rep.vt.exploit

  • syn:tag =

  • syn:tag = 总参.三部

When creating a syn:tag node or setting a property whose type is syn:tag (such as risk:threat:tag), Synapse will automatically normalize the value by:

  • converting uppercase letters to lowercase;

  • converting dashes ( - ) or spaces to underscores ( _ ).

  • ignoring any disallowed characters.


storm> [ syn:tag =$ ]
        :base = lapsus
        :depth = 2
        :up = rep.us_cisa
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.936

In the above example:

  • the dash in us-cisa is converted to an underscore;

  • LAPSUS is lowercased to lapsus; and

  • the dollar sign ( $ ) is ignored.


If you attempt to apply a tag that contains invalid characters to a node, Synapse will throw a Storm syntax error. The only normalization Synapse performs in this situation is to gracefully convert any uppercase letters to lowercase. The following Storm query will throw an error:

[ inet:fqdn =$ ]


syn:tag are unique in that they are a type that can also be applied as a label to other nodes.

A syn:tag (as a node) does not have to be created before the equivalent tag (label) can be applied to another node. That is, applying a tag to a node will result in the automatic creation of the corresponding syn:tag node or nodes (assuming the appropriate user permissions). For example:

storm> [ inet:fqdn = ]
        :domain = com
        :host = woot
        :issuffix = false
        :iszone = true
        :zone =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.990

The Storm syntax above will apply the tag to the node inet:fqdn = and automatically create the node syn:tag = if it does not already exist (as well as syn:tag = some and syn:tag =


Like strings and other string-derived types, syn:tag types are prefix-indexed. This means that syn:tag values can be lifted and filtered using the prefix comparison operator ( ^= ).

When lifting and filtering syn:tag types by prefix, the expression to match is not constrained by the dot ( . ) boundary that separates tag elements.

Prefix comparison for syn:tag types is useful because it allows you to easily identify a subset of tags or to lift / filter tags at any appropriate level of resolution within a tag hierarchy.


Lift all tags in the computer network operations (cno) tree:

storm> syn:tag ^= cno
        :base = cno
        :depth = 0
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.983
        :base = mal
        :depth = 1
        :up = cno
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.989
        :base = redtree
        :depth = 2
        :up = cno.mal
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.989
        :base = threat
        :depth = 1
        :up = cno
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.983
        :base = t27
        :depth = 2
        :up = cno.threat
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.983

Lift all threats (risk:threat nodes) whose :tag value is associated with Dell Secureworks threats whose name begins with “br”:

storm> risk:threat:tag ^
        :org:name = bronze elgin
        :reporter:name = secureworks
        :tag = rep.secureworks.bronze_elgin
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.032
        :org:name = bronze president
        :reporter:name = secureworks
        :tag = rep.secureworks.bronze_president
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.039

Usage notes:

  • Specifying a more granular prefix value will not match values that are less granular. That is, syn:tag^=cno.infra will fail to match syn:tag = cno.

  • Use of the equals comparator ( = ) with syn:tag types will match the exact value only. So syn:tag = rep will only match that tag and will not match syn:tag = or syn:tag = rep.trend.pawnstorm.

  • When lifting or filtering syn:tag types, use of the wildcard ( * ) is not allowed. For example, the following Storm expression is invalid and will throw a syntax error: syn:tag = rep.*.cobalt_strike


Working with (lifting, filtering, etc.) syn:tag types (syn:tag forms or property values) is different from working with tags applied to nodes. In particular, when filtering based on the tag(s) applied to a set of nodes, you can filter using single or double asterisks ( * or **). See Filter by Tag Globs or the general Tag Filters or Tag Lifts sections for details on working with tags applied to nodes.


A taxonomy in Synapse is used to represent a hierarchical set of categories that can be used to classify objects (forms). Many forms in Synapse include taxonomy properties (such as risk:tool:software:type or ps:contact:type).


taxonomy is a base type that is commonly extended to define form-specific taxonomies. That is, a tool (risk:tool:software) has a :type property that can represent a set of tool/malware types or categories. The risk:tool:software:type property has a form-specific taxonomy type of risk:tool:software:taxonomy (which is also its own form).

While this section describes the behavior of taxonomies generally, keep in mind that each form can have its own taxonomy / set of categories independent of other taxonomies.

Synapse users can define their own taxonomies to group forms in ways that are meaningful for their analysis. For example, you can construct a taxonomy (set of categories) to help subdivide and organize industries:

  • ou:industry:type = education

  • ou:industry:type = education.colleges

  • ou:industry:type = education.colleges.universities

  • ou:industry:type = education.colleges.junior

  • ou:industry:type = finance

  • ou:industry:type = finance.banking

  • ou:industry:type = finance.defi



Some Synapse Power-Ups that create forms with taxonomy properties may set the property value to identify the source of the form itself, along with any relevant category provided by the source. This is done in order to distinguish categorizable objects from third-parties from similar objects that may be defined by your organization, in case your internal categories differ from those used by others.

For example, the Synapse-Mandiant commercial Power-Up may create industries (ou:industry nodes) whose :type value will be set to mandiant. Similarly, Mandiant categorizes threat actor tools and malware, so risk:tool:software nodes created by the Power-Up will have their :type property set to values such as mandiant.backdoor or mandiant.utility.

Organizations can choose to leave these forms and values as they are, or can overwrite the taxonomy values to create a consistent internal taxonomy.


The taxonomy type is an extension of the str type and is prefix-indexed like other strings.

taxonomy values are normalized to lowercase. A taxonomy value always includes a trailing dot ( . ), regardless of the number of elements (taxons) in the value.

The trailing dot is masked / omitted when displaying the taxonomy value. This difference can be seen when displaying the value’s representation (display value, using the method $node.repr()) as opposed to its actual value (using the method $node.value()):

storm> ou:goal:type:taxonomy=financial_gain $lib.print($node.repr()) $lib.print($node.value())
        :base = financial_gain
        :depth = 0
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.079


Components of a taxonomy value must be separated by the dot ( . ) character. The dot is a reserved character for the taxonomy type and is used to separate elements (taxons) along hierarchical boundaries. All taxonomy values end in a trailing dot.

taxonomy values can contain ASCII lowercase characters, numerals, and underscores, as well as Unicode words (including most characters that can be part of a word in any language). Spaces and ASCII symbols (other than the underscore) are not allowed.

When creating a taxonomy node or setting a taxonomy property, Synapse will automatically normalize the value by:

  • converting uppercase letters to lowercase;

  • converting dashes ( - ) or spaces to underscores ( _ );

  • ignoring any disallowed characters; and

  • adding the trailing dot ( . ) to the stored value if not specified.


N/A - no special behavior when working with taxonomy nodes or properties other than as specified above.


Like strings and other string-derived types, taxonomy types are prefix-indexed. This means that taxonomy values can be lifted and filtered using the prefix comparison operator ( ^= ).

When lifting and filtering taxonomy types by prefix, the expression to match is not constrained by the dot ( . ) boundary that separates taxonomy elements.

Prefix comparison for taxonomy types is useful because it allows you to easily identify a subset of forms based on lifting or filtering those forms using any appropriate level of resolution within the form’s taxonomy.


Lift all industries (ou:industry nodes) within the “media” catetgory / taxonomy:

storm> ou:industry:type ^= media
        :name = media
        :type = media
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.132
        :name = journalism and news media
        :type = media.journalism
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.138
        :name = journalists and reporters
        :type = media.journalism.reporters
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.144

Lift all tools (risk:tool:software nodes) whose sub-category name begins with “d” as reported by Mandiant:

storm> risk:tool:software:type ^= mandiant.d
        :reporter:name = mandiant
        :soft:name = lateop
        :type = mandiant.dataminer
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.201
        :reporter:name = mandiant
        :soft:name = spicytuna
        :type = mandiant.downloader
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.195
        :reporter:name = mandiant
        :soft:name = pumpkinbar
        :type = mandiant.dropper
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.188

Usage notes:

  • Specifying a more granular prefix value will not match values that are less granular. That is, risk:tool:software:availability ^= public.commercial will fail to match risk:tool:software:availability = public

  • Use of the equals comparator ( = ) with taxonomy types will match the exact value only. So ou:industry:type = energy will only match that taxonomy and will not match ou:industry:type = energy.electricity or ou:industry:type = energy.electricity.distribution.

  • When lifting or filtering taxonomy types, use of the wildcard ( * ) is not allowed. For example, the following Storm expression is invalid and will throw a syntax error: risk:attacktype = phishing.*.


Synapse stores time types in Epoch milliseconds (millis) - that is, the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970. The time type is technically a date/time because it encompasses both a date and a time. A time value alone, such as 12:37 PM (12:37:00.000), is invalid.

See also the section on ival (interval) types for details on how time types are used as minimum / maximum pairs.




time values can be input into Storm as any of the following:

  • Explicit times:

    • Human-readable (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.mmm):

      "2018/12/16 09:37:52.324"

    • Human-readable “Zulu” (YYYY/MM/DDThh:mm:ss.mmmZ):


    • Human-readable with time zone (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm+/-hh:mm). No spaces are allowed between the time value and the time zone offset:

      2018-12-16 09:37:52.324-04:00


      Synapse does not support the storage of an explicit time zone with a time value (i.e., +0800). Synapse stores time values in UTC for consistency. If a time zone is specified using an acceptable time zone offset format on input, Synapse will automatically convert the value to UTC for storage. If no time zone is specified, Synapse will assume the value is in UTC.

    • No formatting (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmm):


    • Epoch millis:



      Synapse expects that users will generally enter time values using “human friendly” strings, and will attempt to parse the input as such. Using parentheses tells Synapse to interpret the value as a raw integer.

      Note that this parentheses syntax only applies when setting or updating a time property using Storm. When setting or updating a property in the Optic UI by editing a field, you must enter a time string value.

  • Relative (offset) time values in the format:

    + | - | +- <count> <unit>

    where <count> is a numeric value and <unit> is one of the following:

    • minute(s)

    • hour(s)

    • day(s)


    • "+7 days"

    • "-15 minutes"

    • "+-1 hour"

  • “Special” time values:

    • the keyword now is used to represent the current date/time.

    • a question mark ( ? ) is used to effectively represent an unspecified / indefinite time in the future (technically equivalent to 9223372036854775807 millis, i.e., “some really high value that is probably the heat death of the universe”. Note that technically the largest valid millis value is 9999999999999 (thirteen 9’s), which represents 2286/11/20 09:46:39.999).

      The question mark can be used as the maximum value of an interval (ival) type to specify that the data or assessment associated with the ival should be considered valid indefinitely. (Contrast that with a maximum interval value set to the equivalent of now that would need to be continually updated over time in order to remain current.)

Standard rules regarding using Whitespace and Literals in Storm apply. For example, "2018/12/16 09:37:52.324" needs to be entered in single or double quotes, but 2018/12/16 does not. Similarly, relative times starting with + or - and the special time value ? need to be placed in single or double quotes.

Lower Resolution Time Values and Wildcard Time Values

time values (including tag timestamps) must be entered at a minimum resolution of year (YYYY) and can be entered up to a maximum resolution of milliseconds (YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.mmm).

Where lower resolution values are entered, Synapse will make logical assumptions about the intended date / time value and zero-fill the remainder of the equivalent epoch mills date / time. For example:

  • A value of 2016 will be interpreted as 12:00 AM on January 1, 2016 (2016/01/01 00:00:00.000).

  • A value of 2018/10/27 will be interpreted as 12:00 AM on that date (2018/10/27 00:00:00.000).

  • A value of "2020/03/16 05" will be interpreted as 05:00 AM on that date (2020/03/16 05:00:00.000).

  • A value of "2018/10/27 14:00-04:00" will be interpreted as 14:00 (2:00 PM) on that date with a 4 hour offset from UTC (2018/10/27 14:00:00.000-04:00, stored in UTC as 2018/10/27 18:00:00.000).

Synapse also supports the use of the wildcard ( * ) character to specify a partial time value match:

  • A value of 2016* will be interpreted as “any date / time within the year 2016”.

  • A value of 2018/10/27* will be interpreted as “any time on October 27, 2018”.

  • A value of "2020/03/16 05*" will be interpreted as “any time within the hour of 05:00 on March 16, 2020”.


When using wildcard syntax, the wildcard must be used on a sensible time value boundary, such as YYYYMM*. You cannot us a wildcard to “split” values (i.e., YYMMD* is invaild syntax).


Set the time of a DNS request to the current time:

storm> [ inet:dns:request="*" :time=now ]
        :query:name =
        :query:name:fqdn =
        :time = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.248
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.247

Set the observed time window (technically an ival type) for when an IP address was a known sinkhole (via the #cno.infra.dns.sink.hole tag) from its known start date to an indefinite future time (i.e., the sinkhole is presumed to remain a sinkhole indefinitely / until the values are manually updated with an explicit end date):

storm> [ inet:ipv4= +#cno.infra.dns.sink.hole=(2017/06/13, "?") ]
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.990
        #cno.infra.dns.sink.hole = (2017/06/13 00:00:00.000, ?)
  • Set the observed time window using a time zone offset:

storm> [ inet:ipv4= +#cno.infra.dns.sink.hole=(2017/06/13 09:46+04:00, "?") ]
        :type = unicast
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:00.997
        #cno.infra.dns.sink.hole = (2017/06/13 05:46:00.000, ?)


When adding or modifying time types, any of the above formats (explicit / relative / special terms) can be specified.

In addition, when adding or modifying time types, a lower resolution time and a wildcard time behave identically. In other words, the following are equivalent Storm queries (both will set the :time value of the newly created DNS request node to 2021/01/23 00:00:00.000):

[ inet:dns:request="*" :time=2021/01/23 ]

[ inet:dns:request="*" :time=2021/01/23* ]

When specifying a relative time for a time value, the offset will be calculated from the current time (now):

storm> [ inet:dns:request="*" :time="-5 minutes" ]
        :query:name =
        :query:name:fqdn =
        :time = 2024/07/26 16:14:02.369
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.368

Plus / minus ( +- ) relative times cannot be specified for time types, as the type requires a single value. See the section on ival (interval) types for details on using +- times with ival types.


time types can be lifted and filtered using:

  • Standard logical and mathematical comparison operators (comparators).

  • The extended range ( *range= ) custom comparator.

  • The extended interval ( @= ) custom comparator.

Standard Operators

time types can be lifted and filtered with the standard logical and mathematical comparators (see Storm Reference - Lifting and Storm Reference - Filtering). This includes the use of lower resolution time values and wildcard time values.


Downselect a set of DNS request nodes to those that occurred prior to June 1, 2019:

storm> inet:dns:request +:time<2019/06/01
        :query:name =
        :query:name:fqdn =
        :time = 2015/12/14 19:22:00.000
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.398
        :query:name =
        :query:name:fqdn =
        :time = 2018/06/28 17:43:00.000
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.391


It is important to understand the differences in behavior when lifting and filtering time types using lower resolution time values (which Synpase zero-fills) or wildcard time values (which Synpase wildcard-matches). These behaviors vary based on the specific operator used.

  • When lifting or filtering using the equivalent ( = ) operator, behavior is different:

    • :time=2021/05/13 means equal to the exact date/time value 2021/05/13 00:00:00.000.

    • :time=2021/05/13* means equal to any time on that date (2021/05/13 00:00:00.000 through 2021/05/13 23:59:59.999).

  • When lifting or filtering using the greater than ( >) / greater than or equal to ( >=) operators, behavior is equivalent:

    • :time>2021/05/13 and :time>2021/05/13* both mean any date / time greater than 2021/05/13 00:00:00.000.

    • :time>=2021/05/13 and :time>=2021/05/13* both mean any date / time greater than or equal to 2021/05/13 00:00:00.000.

    Both are equivalent because in this case Synapse interprets the wildcard syntax as “greater than or equal to the lowest possible wildcard match”, which in this case is 2021/05/13 00:00:00.000.

  • When lifting or filtering using the less than ( < ) / less than or equal to ( <= ) operators, behavior is different:

    • :time<2021/05/13 / :time<=2021/05/13 mean any date / time less than (or less than or equal to) 2021/05/13 00:00:00.000.

    • :time<2021/05/13* / :time<=2021/05/13* both mean any date / time less than (or less than or equal to) 2021/05/13 23:59:59.999.

    The behavior differs because in this case Synapse interprets the wildcard syntax as “less than or equal to the highest possible wildcard match”, which in this case is 2021/05/13 23:59:59.999.


The wildcard syntax is useful because it can provide a simplified, more intuitive means to specify certain time ranges / time intervals without needing to use the range ( *range= ) or interval ( @= ) operators. For example, the following three Storm queries are equivalent and will return all files compiled at any time within the year 2019:


file:bytes:mime:pe:compiled*range=('2019/01/01 00:00:00.000', '2019/12/31 23:59:59.999')

file:bytes:mime:pe:compiled@=('2019/01/01', '2020/01/01')

(A range maximum value represents “less than or equal to” that value, while an interval maximum value represents “less than” that value.)

Range Custom Operator

time types can lifted and filtered using the *range= custom comparator (see Lift by Range (*range=) and Filter by Range (*range=)).


Lift a set of file:bytes nodes whose PE compiled time is between January 1, 2019 and today:

storm> file:bytes:mime:pe:compiled*range=(2019/01/01, now)
        :mime:pe:compiled = 2019/10/07 12:42:45.000
        :sha256 = 9f9d96e99cef99cbfe8d02899919a7f7220f2273bb36a084642f492dd3e473da
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.440
        :mime:pe:compiled = 2021/04/13 00:23:14.000
        :sha256 = bd422f912affcf6d0830c13834251634c8b55b5a161c1084deae1f9b5d6830ce
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.446


Both lower resolution times and wildcard times can be used for values specified within the *range= operator. Because the range operator is a shorthand syntax for “greater than or equal to <range_min> and less than or equal to <range_max>”, users should be aware of differences in behavior between each kind of time value with greater than / less than operators.

See the Storm documents referenced above for additional examples using the range (*range=) comparator.

Interval Custom Operator

time types can be lifted and filtered using the interval ( @= ) custom comparator (see Lift by Time or Interval (@=) and Filter by Time or Interval (@=)). The comparator is specifically designed to compare time types and ival types, which can be useful (for example) for filtering to a set of nodes whose time properties fall within a specified interval.


Lift a set of DNS A records whose window of observation includes March 16, 2019 at 13:00 UTC:

storm> inet:dns:a.seen@='2019/03/16 13:00'
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.489
        .seen = ('2018/12/29 12:36:27.000', '2019/06/03 18:14:33.000')
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:01.625
        .seen = ('2019/03/08 07:26:00.000', '2019/03/22 10:14:00.000')
inet:dns:a=('', '')
        :fqdn =
        :ipv4 =
        .created = 2024/07/26 16:19:02.496
        .seen = ('2019/03/16 12:59:59.000', '2019/03/16 13:01:01.000')


Both lower resolution times and wildcard time can be used for values specified within the @= operator. Because the interval operator is a shorthand syntax for “greater than or equal to <ival_min> and less than <ival_max>”, users should be aware of differences in behavior between each kind of time value with greater than / less than operators.

See the Storm documents referenced above for additional examples using the interval (@=) comparator.